Tuesday, December 6, 2016


HUM 398 Blogs
Final Self-Assessment

Name: Cecilia Castro

For this final self-assessment, spend some time revisiting your BlogSpot.  Enjoy!  Then, write a self-assessment in which you provide an example of a blog post that best demonstrates each criterion below.  Include a link to the relevant post.

Criteria for Blogs:

  • demonstrates engagement with course themes, texts, movies, and other students (aesthetic engagement) I believe that aesthetic engagement was displayed through my collaborative presentation on the movie Water. I researched the themes, organized a PowerPoint, chose visually engaging images, and then created some feature blogger questions in which my classmates answered. 

Relevant Post:



  • creates and shares content that illustrates a growing understanding of film elements and films in broader contexts (analysis) In my posting for The Road Home, I began to relate symbolism to the film elements and context.

Relevant Post: http://castrocp.blogspot.com/2016/10/symbolism-of-water.html

  • reflects thought and communicates in-depth on course themes related to international depictions of childhood (valuing). When Blogging on the movie Whale Rider, I had the chance to analyze an indigenous culture, a culture in which many people do not consider the struggles faced growing up. The Maori children in the film show the issues faced by children as they transition into young adults, having to deal with identity and tradition.

Relevant Post: http://castrocp.blogspot.com/2016/10/whale-rider.html

  • develops a visual style that supports blog content (aesthetic engagement). I just love to use visuals in all of my assignments. In this Blog post, I kept it mainly visual so that the viewing could observe the visual similarities between these two stories.

Relevant Post: http://castrocp.blogspot.com/2016/11/myth-in-world-film-comparison-pans.html

  • shows willingness to explore and play with the technology, challenging self to experiment with tools and media (problem-solving). I learned how to embed and bring the links over to Blogger to use. I also began to use editting sites, such as TubeChop for the first time. For the blog post on interesting use of music, I found different sections of the movie Moon Struck and attempted to use TubeChop. Although I chose the section, chopped, embedded the code, and brought it over to HTML on Blogger, I kept having the issue with my clip showing on my computer, but then not showing on my Blog when viewing from school.

Relevant Post: http://castrocp.blogspot.com/2016/11/interesting-use-of-music.html

Final Reflection:
How did your postings evolve over time?  What developments in your analysis, visual style, and technological skills do you see? 
With each movie, we examined different elements of film and analyzed a variety of aspects. The entire set up of the class, including the process of student presentations, completing worksheets, having group discussions, and researching images and clips to post in blogs, helped to build my knowledge on film, both technically and analytically. Each week, I became more aware of what I should be looking for within film and how I should be open to creating and observing multiple interpretations from myself and others. Creating a blog increased my skills in the technical area and was an effective method of interaction with classmates.

Paste the link to your self-assessment to the assignment on Moodle.

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